
Showing posts from November, 2007

Ron Paul and the Sargasso Sea

Haven't posted much here of late. Good thing you guys aren't paid subscribers, heheh. Been suffering from M.E.S. Yep, Motivational Evasion Syndrome. There's no real treatment for this condition. I'm sure it affects millions, but I'd just rather not research it right now. Who knows how much opportunity costs in new inventions, art, medical discoveries and revolutionary cat toys are lost each year because, meh, "I'd rather play my flute." Here's a video clip, in the interim (if anyone asks for me, that's where I am right now) ---it shows a funny segment where Ron Paul, way back in 1988, is asked if he is just giving up on the war on drugs? I bet the guy who asked Ron that, wished he didn't. Not that I think the answer sunk in. And if you wonder why this title has Sargasso Sea in it, and you don't have MES, you could google it for an interesting read. Or not. And Bright Eyes, who has never suffered from MES a day in her life, has been busy...

Brain Mockumentary