
Showing posts from July, 2008

If you want to sing out, sing out

I've begun (re)exploring a long time passion of mine. It's hard to describe, I guess the closest word to it is "dance." I've always liked to move, and dance, and it's one of those things I had mostly abandoned for years. It's weird too, because as I enter a new phase of life, I'm also recovering those things from before the "epoch of responsibilities", which mattered to me, but which had been buried in routines of immediacy. "Sweat your Prayers" resonated with one such passion: "Each sacred rhythm is a teacher, a gateway to the soul. Flowing holds the feminine mysteries, staccato the masculine. In chaos, the challenge is to integrate these principles into the flow of one's personal energy, to find the magical blend of feminine and masculine energy that makes each person unique. Lyrical is the context of self-realization, the full expression of the soul. And in stillness, the mother of all rhythms, we find the emptiness of t...

Better than Fish Oil?

OK, some people follow the stock market or baseball or Oprah ---for me it's fish-oil. And now it seems as if fish-oil has been upstaged. By Krill oil. This is an excellent article. Check the comments too. Some excerpts for those of you with click aversion syndrome... "A number of studies have shown that krill oil is tremendously effective in reducing LDL-cholesterol, raising HDL-cholesterol (up to 44% in some cases), and lowering blood sugar. It has been shown to be effective in treating the pain and inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis and aches and pains in general. One large study showed that krill oil has tremendous benefits in terms of symptom reduction in PMS and dysmenorrhea. And it has been shown to be effective in the treatment of adult ADHD. In all these studies krill oil was tested against fish oil and not simply a placebo." "Krill oil contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D and canthaxanthin, which is — like astaxanthin — a potent anti-oxidant. The a...

Stuff I Learned Today

not to let bright-eyes tie stuff in my hair the major supplier of oil to the US is NOT a middle eastern country Source amnesia , a curious neurological separation between storage of facts and their source, may cause one to re-process a false statement from a non-credible source as true as time passes weekends are NOT good times for catching up on stuff when making guacamole, too little lime is better than too much... a good recipe is 2 avocados, half a lime (squeezed), chopped red onion, chopped tomato, chopped cilantro, garlic salt Average number of vials for snake bite treatment is 12. At a *wholesale* cost of $1,572 per vial, this makes the average treatment: $18,864 . Squirrels can hold a lot sticks in their mouth at once. But why? You only need the first and last letter of a word to be in the right place to read it, the rest can be a random jumble. i yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod a...

Sonic's Journey

Sonic is on the road! On the way to visit Mew + other adventures. He created a special travel blog here ... looks like he's off to a good start!

Broken Time Machine For Sale

Spotted on Craig's list. I luv humans :-) --- Reply to: Date: 2008-07-07, 4:34PM EDT Never got around to fixing it, all the buttons are stuck so it doesn't go in reverse only forward at normal speed come pick it up whenever Location: Norwalk it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 745957971

Pretty Effective


Gene Expression

At one point in life, for a fairly long period, I thought I'd be a psychologist. It seemed so fundamental to understand the nature of the very fabric that we experience life with: our thoughts, emotions, memories, beliefs. Those curious about these areas learn quickly that we are far from a "blank slate" in respect to how we perceive reality. But what I kept running into, with rare exception, was that psychology was a very young "science"; it sycophantically fawned to be accepted as a rightful sibling to the harder sciences which were more "respectable" and received better funding. It tried to divorce itself from paradigms where mind was something other than a mechanism, where emotions couldn't be explained with limbic regions and neurochemistry. Hard sciences started pushing the edges of what our models were implying about the *nature* of reality, and started getting really weird with wild implications about parallel universes, the involvement o...

Falling Down

Haven't written for a while. I've been getting up at ungodly hours to catch a carousel of public transports to the out-most perimeter of the urban-sprawl-south. To get > edukated. I have one week left and during the lull, on the bus this morning to nearer destinations, I was thinking about falling. How many types of falling are there? More types than flying? You can fall in love, fall from grace, fall in line, fall *for* a line, fall *out* of line (what's with all the lines?), fall out with *somebody*, fall asleep, fall short, but mostly what I was thinking about was just plain old fall down. When small children fall, they seldom get seriously injured. Now that could be because they are closer to the ground, but I think it has more to do with being relaxed. They just sort of flop down and, if no one's looking, get back up and carry on. As we get older, and start anticipating how much that might hurt, we tense our bodies in an attempt to stop what's happening. Of ...