If you want to sing out, sing out
I've begun (re)exploring a long time passion of mine. It's hard to describe, I guess the closest word to it is "dance." I've always liked to move, and dance, and it's one of those things I had mostly abandoned for years. It's weird too, because as I enter a new phase of life, I'm also recovering those things from before the "epoch of responsibilities", which mattered to me, but which had been buried in routines of immediacy. "Sweat your Prayers" resonated with one such passion: "Each sacred rhythm is a teacher, a gateway to the soul. Flowing holds the feminine mysteries, staccato the masculine. In chaos, the challenge is to integrate these principles into the flow of one's personal energy, to find the magical blend of feminine and masculine energy that makes each person unique. Lyrical is the context of self-realization, the full expression of the soul. And in stillness, the mother of all rhythms, we find the emptiness of t...