
Showing posts from September, 2008

The Wisdom of Crowds

I have only a vague idea where I'm going here, so bear with me. Or not. Don't let the browser whack you on the way out ;-) An individual ant is not very smart. It probably has fewer neurons than comes in a box of tinker-toys. An ant colony, on the other hand, is pretty clever. This type of "collective intelligence" is an area of active research on many fronts. Its effects aren't readily apparent, unless we know what we're looking for. Or rather, how we are looking. We aren't used to seeing systems. I blame language. Case in point: did you notice the structure of that last sentence? Subject (I) action (blame) and object (language.) Language tends to put things in a straight line. One thing affecting or being affected by another. If "a" then "b". Most of our human wisdom is ascribed to knowing either what "a" to use to get the "b" we want or why "b" happened based on some "a". And if "b" h...

Nothing Left to Do. Is There?

Stolen from Christine's blog, so here's a link to one of her posts to make up: 21 Ways to Be More Creative. And a cool looking stuffed bell pepper recipe . Mmmm. Must. Try.

Mind as a Field

Fascinating video and research, well worth the time. It will either rock your world or confirm something you may already know :-) Fascinating for you pet custodians as well. If you get hooked on the implications of this, check out his book: Seven Experiments That Could Change The World. And if you want to dive even deeper into this particular rabbit-hole: The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World . Warning... you'll be leaving Kansas.