Counting Tomatoes

Around this time, every year, I rethink objectives. Cyclic rituals, like New Year's resolutions, may seem silly in this post-agrarian age, but I find they help punctuate time in the daily stream of affairs. A pause button, where we can freeze-frame the blur of the parade, pan around and take in the themes or make fun of the floats. If we've been chasing the parade all this time, we probably haven't seen anything new. That's how parades work. Of course, if we run the opposite direction, we have an analog fast forward, especially if it's a real sucky parade. But you get the picture. Each year I notice something new that helps set perspective. This year it was the insidious nature of deadlines. The name alone evokes a static sense of direction. They say the only difference between a goal and dream, is that a goal has a deadline. But then again, "they" also say a bunch of stupid stuff. I'd like to say I don't really listen to "them", but...