Facebook and Blogging
Read a strange quote, on a forum I attend regularly, it went like this... (this forum) makes me like people I've never met, while Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life. I don't think it's quite that bad, but perhaps personal blogs still have a purpose ;) I can say different things here. Without spamming friends' feeds. It's fun sometimes just to put thoughts out where we can see them. And if we look at what we put out and think, ahh... that really isn't it. That's kind of silly. There's no need to clarify, because time does move on. You can never step in the same river twice, someone once said. Probably after busting their ass because they'd crossed this stream every day but today that nice rock-step midstream was curiously absent. But hey, wisdom earned is wisdom gained. Which brings me to some pondering I've been doing of late over the differences and similarities between wisdom and understanding. But I think that's for anoth...