
Showing posts from February, 2014


as I reduce my possessions to a small and efficient set of qualitative choices, I will also strive to release the baggage accumulated with my identity, so in both respects I can move more freely and lightly in the world, inside and out "I clean out all excess clutter in my life. I phase out all trash. I give away my neglected things that others may use them. I make room for the many, many blessings coming my way. I joyfully bestow my blessings by sharing my excess abundance with others. And, as the useless and the unwanted depart, I experience the freedom and the lightness of an unburdened life. What then comes in to fill the void spaces will be a joy and a delight."

It's News to Me

If I wasn't aware of it -it's new to me- is my definition of news. Yet a collective... (group? weirdly normalized demographic? meme herd?) ...races to limits of jittering (GO away spell checker with your red squigly furloughs!)(but thanks for the help with "furloughs") attention spans to the edge of know the instant something is known, and deride those arriving late with derivatives or repostings, a day, or perhaps hours later. Your channel policies may vary. My personal news sphere works a little more chilled. Since it's all history anyway, it may be years old and still be relevant. Maybe even more so. Like this young man who seems to know what's going on in his country, much to the surprise of the news media crew. It's an intelligence politicians try to marginalize or ostracize and all those other tricky social instrumentation functions that reduce the chance that they will be listened to by the law of large numbers. Us small numbers don't matter, ...

An underlying sense that everything is ok

An underlying sense, always at the baseline of being, that everything is ok, and everything will always be ok. Getting as excited, worried, joyful, depressed in the moment as much as we like, but always at the core of our being, when we return, is this vibration, this bigger picture than our little self that doesn't know what's going on, and fears the worst, or thinks the best will last forever, if it can only catch it for good this time. And it's ok -that we're running amok, because we are so much larger and so much more than these monkey minds and primate hearts, that we are almost bemused spectators to the antics of our attachments. And this is not a running away, it's a making a space for us to participate fully but it doesn't define us. We are not of any of our experiences. It's not a new skill, it's been with us all along, we just never gave it much thought, but we notice one day there's always been this part of our awareness that's ...