Vision Statement vs Vision Quest

I have been working over a week now on a statement that started as "where I wanted to be 5 years hence." I have done these before, but this time something clicked. I’d probably been doing them wrong from the onset, but when I dropped all the big plans and obvious goals and started letting this vision reflect and articulate my deepest intentions, oldest dreams and buried passions, it became something completely different. More like a quest, than a statement. I’ve revised it several times. I review and think about it daily. It’s becoming more finely tuned, more accurate of my true desires. By writing it out, expressing it, even just to myself, it is a clarification almost every part of my mind seems to champion. It’s becoming something concrete, something I can back with all of my being and engage in with my total essence. A powerful spell, and I find the words and phrasings matter immensely. “When you are 50 years old, you should know your destiny” -Confucius...