Jesus is Magic

While our beliefs may conflict with our actions, our head with our heart, and what we think we should do with what we'd rather do (but not admit) the paradox is that ---neither pole of any duality is right; we aren't hearing the whole story, getting the full picture, we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle. Truth isn't found by sorting things into their correct categories, but through seeing what our categories don't hold and can't encompass. Otherwise it's just dogma, truth's cross-dressing little sister. Truth is a process, not a rest stop. So get off yer butt ;-)
and enjoy; our wisest seers are comedians, poets, music, writers, screenplays and video games. In that order.
As an aside ---if your are wacked enough to have made it this deep in Blog Hell; I believe discovering truth isn't incremental, like the gradual compilation of facts and theories and technology, no, that way lies the tower of babel. And will most likely end with the uncontrolled destruction of our species. Whatever. Truth eludes thought. We only have one ability, largely ignored, that can encompass more than thought itself and perceive the bigger picture, and that is awareness. Which means being present and aware of what's going on in a way that isn't trying to control or shape what is unfolding.
And I can tell you the first mistake in trying this for yourself. Cause they sure don't teach it in school. Thoughts are judgmental. And if you find yourself being aware of your thoughts in a manner that assesses them as good or bad, qualitatively, or with anything other than simple observation, then you are trapped back in thoughts. Not suprising, we are frigg'in possessed by thought. "I think therefore I am" is what the parasite wants the host organism to believe. Descarte was totally infested.
But if we are able to hold this observer post for the span of a few paltry thoughts, we'll never think of thoughts the same again. We may even notice this feeling of coming home. Which makes sense, we started life with this simple awareness when thoughts were still in diapers and colonizing brains during our "enculturation."
My problem was my thoughts darted. And my observer was a noobie and was constantly pwned by their subtlety. But like any good noob, my observer perservered and trained. Learned tricks like anchoring awareness in my body and discovered, these maniacs had been in frick'in charge!? And they were soley based on pinging around like pool balls, one triggering another triggering a memory triggering a feeling triggering another thought, setting a mood... it was Monte Pythonesque. Curioser and curioser, as a seer once said.
What scares people away from this awesome experiment is, I think, the belief in either/or (duality again.) If we lose our"ability" to think and just observe, won't we be unable to function or achieve what we want in the "world?" But this is just our habitual fear of change (and of death, to the degree we believe our thoughts really are ourselves.) In fact, it is both/and. But instead of spending most of our time/lives identified with thought and rarely present, we can spend most of it present, and pick up thoughts as a tools to perform a certain task; this is a big shift from being subjugated to them as masters of the universe and definition of self.
And we discover other parts of ourselves can actually "think" as well (and sometimes better for a given task), like the heart, the solar plexus and the hara; mental thought alone suppresses these threats to its supremacy. And what kind of things do we uncover with this uber perspective? How we do something is more important, by far, than what we do is one. Curious indeed. Not how well (common mistake, sneaky thoughts again!) but how present. Here is where it's all at. And it's ok to be conflicted, so enjoy the show. It has something to push almost everyone's buttons, watch what unfolds, if you can.
Watch a Clip
tag: Jesus is Magic, Sarah Silverman, Paradox, Awareness, HeartMath, Hara, Solar Plexus, Duality
Talk about your tower of Babbel! I feel like i just walked thru the crowd after God struck them with the language changes..that begat the diversity of languages still with us this day. LOL...
ReplyDeleteWhat was the real point?
Point? There ain't no stink'in point. Where'd you get the strange idea that my postings had points?! ROFL.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe, under the wire, the point is that our "thoughts" may not just be "reflecting" our thinking, but forming it and since we're usually asleep at the wheel, this "informing" doesn't reflect anything about "our" character but rather the character of how thoughts themselves are wired, through random experiences and semantic associations. So try to think with things other than yer head ;-)