The AI Dream

Had an odd dream this morning. Out of the blue, haven't been thinking about this topic, so it wasn't the result of anything I recently discussed, or read or saw in a movie of late.
I was in a small group watching a research demonstration of a new type of AI that was developed for some security application. A robot, in the form of a toddler, was turned loose to search for something on a stage in front of us. I was impressed how quickly he was moving around obstacles and under a table searching and commented to a gal next to me that if that was a real toddler he would have already whacked his head on that table at least once.
Then the toddler got a little confused and wandered off the stage and started interacting in some interesting ways with others and his "extended" environment. Ways that didn't appear to be the result of any programming that I could imagine.
So I asked the researcher if he had noted signs of emergent behavior like this before in his experiments. Which he vehemently denied. He argued that this was a controlled experiment and didn't have the complexity of the natural world where emergence (while still controversial) applied. I argued that any subset of the natural world was still part of the natural world and that the "noise" in the data of any "controlled" experiment indicated it wasn't possible to hermetically seal this relationship. We agreed to disagree, and I confessed that I wasn't completely objective about this as I had already made up my mind that emergence existed.
Weird. Emergence is one of those curious properties in things that arise and can't be explained or predicted by taking those things apart. Sort of flies in the face of our reductionist version of reality currently in vogue among scientist who haven't grokked the new paradigms. But it's time for my morning coffee. Maybe then it will make sense.
Don't worry too much about arguing with "scientists"...there are some of those narrowsighted nincumpoops that actually believe in global warming. I don't even agree to disagree with people that dumb. So give em heck..that dang robot was definitely emerging and probably will be wetting the bed before too long...or the one doing the dreaming will and can blame it on the robot?
ReplyDeleteCub, your intelligence level is so much higher than mine!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think almost everyone is smarter than me at different stuff. I just happen to have odd interests. And I don't know what the heck is up with my dreams.
ReplyDeleteAs per global warming, I think there are many system effects that we generally miss in our linear "one, two" sequence of causal thinking.
ReplyDeleteIf the public doesn't see a direct effect with a single cause they assume there is no relationship.
But nature is more subtle. Multiple causes, chains of dependency, butterfly effects, etc. It takes centuries for these to percolate down to "common sense" which is still operating on assumptions about the world from the time of Aristotle.
Don't get me started on that :-)