Book Trouble

Had a good weekend. Friday, Bright-Eyes and I went to an afternoon showing of Zoom. Silly fun. Had barbeque over at some olde friends on Saturday. But Sunday is when I got into trouble. After getting to bed relatively early Sunday night and setting my alarm for work today, I started reading Blue Girl. Big mistake; I couldn't stop. The pacing, story, and De Lint's impressive ability to stack multifaceted conflict and weave plot-lines sucked me in; I kept reading "just a little more" but had to force myself to quit around 4:30am or so. Missed my alarm. Forgot I had a 9:00am meeting this morning, which I discovered when I got an email at 10:30 asking if I was going to show up. Totally screwed, but completely non-repentant. I'd hate to be my boss. But I think I'm going to get an earlier start on it tonight. Meh.

The protagonist's name is Imogene, a 17 year old that's moved from school to school and has some unique ways of looking at the world. Technically, I think it's teen fiction, but with De Lint, there's really no difference in style or content from his other books in his Newford "mythology."


  1. Sounds like an interesting book. Glad you enjoyed it even if your boss might not be glad hehe

  2. I'll have to check that out!


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