Finding Lost Stuff

OK, this is way cool! Ever put something down and then, when you go to get it later, it is nowhere to be found? I used to tell people that the time-being takes this stuff. You know, when you set it down for the time being...well, sometimes it takes it. And sometimes it puts it back in the same place, a little while later. It's onery that way.

But it happened to me (again) tonight and it was driving me nuts. I don't think it was the time-being and I knew it was probably staring me right in the face but I searched two rooms from corner to corner, over and over, and it was no where to be found. Argggg! But then I remembered (at least) my secret weapon, pictured on the left. And I'll show you something that may save your sanity in these cases.

So I've got this fancy pendulum I bought in a rock shop on our trip to the Southwest (along with some cool little magnetic metal balls that you separate slightly in your hands and throw in the air and they'll clang together making a protracted annoying metallic whirl that bright-eyes won't let me play with in the house.)

But you can use a string with something heavy on the end too, or a necklace. Face some direction and close your eyes and focus on what you are trying to find. Pretty soon the pendulum will start swinging. Your unconscious knows where the sucker is. Now (open your eyes silly) and mark down the angle of the line it's swinging in. If it swings in circles, you're probably screwed. Take several sideways steps, facing the same direction, and do this again. Mark down this arc as well. What you have now is two paths that will intersect at some point in a 360 circle. Maybe miles from your house, but more likely, somewhere close by. I followed where the lines would intersect and found my lost treasure. It had fallen down off the shelf and was lodged behind a big container of CDRs, totally out of sight, but exactly where the lines intersected. Imagine that.


  1. Okay this is surely way cool but what do we do when we put the pendulum down and can't find it?


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