Tipis and Teddy Bears

Saturday, Mew and I went over to help some friends (re)construct their tipi (pictured left.) After an afternoon of hefting lodge poles and lashing down canvas, we headed out for Nepalese buffet and a relaxing evening chatting. Olde friends are truly a blessing.

Chatted a bit with ger-beans last night and he reminded me of some interesting things brothers learn from each other. He saw me doing surgery on my teddy bear(1) around 4 years of age or so and said he discovered for the first time that you can *alter* stuff, lol.

And I remember one time, upon his claims that he could float on water ---which I witnessed for myself in the bathtub--- running to tell mom about this amazing phenomenon. She seemed to take it in stride and told me matter-fact that my brother could do some amazing things. That a person could simply float without moving was inconceivable. And I discovered from then on, not to ever think I know what all is possible for people to do. Especially those I think I know best.

(1) I was inserting some essential organ I think, and sewed him back up. I tried to animate lots of things; I once built a "robot" that consisted only of a small set of 3 shelfs with carefully positioned objects in each drawer that connected to each other; and, come to think of it, that's basically what my career is today, connecting abstract things together to "animate" systems :-)


  1. Friends are indeed precious additions to our lives. Even more precious to me is family and family memories. I remember the surgery well, lol. Who slashed Woody Woodpecker's throat? Remember that irritating laugh he had, I never found out which one of you "quieted" him, thought it was better not to pursue, lol


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