Snow Grrl . . .

My back is SORE. Shoveled 50 yards of 2-3' snow. Discovered this lady frozen on the path, so brought her back home and propped her next to the fireplace. Our "Holiday Blizzard" crawled its way over to Kansas, but seems motorists are still stuck in eastern Colorado. I suspect between the accumulated snow, rain and subzero temps that the plains across I-70 are going to hellish to travel for several more days, even if they do open it tomorrow. We'll be think'in of all you revelers in the South, have some eggnog for us! Marbella, let yer family pamper ya a bit and get well soon! And Ger-beans, best of luck man, Via Con Dios!!


  1. LOL..Excellent post! Hope you got that frozen woman thawed out, where are her gloves? Kinda looked like she was sayin.."IS THIS ALL YOUVE CLEARED!?"

  2. Wow...opportunity...if I was a kid living in snow country, I'd make a small fortune before new years.

  3. The SECRET WEAPON that I would use. and the bottle would be on a sled.

  4. LOL, nah, then you would have seen a picture of her ducking a giant snowball.

    I wish some of those enterprising kids would have come around and as for the secret weapon, yeah, I'd love it, but our neighbors are skittish enough already, I could just see the pitchforks come out if they found out I had a flame thrower.

  5. Awesome: We will be thinking of you while we eat all these goodies will miss you sorely but want you to stay safe!!


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