Dude, iamsojelin, you actually made it through the first 7 min of this thing?

OK, Do NOT follow these links if you are easily offended. Or creeped out. Sometimes the weirdness of the internet boggles my mind. There are two links here that actually make up the totality of this "performance." One is the comment trail, which is hilarious:


And the second is the actual Video clip they are talking about. I recommend reading some of the comments first, if you are foolhardy enough to actually click on links in my blog anyway.

The Video

Skip forward to about the 7:00 minute marker and watch it for 60 seconds, if you dare.

To get in the proper mind set, perhaps you should listen to this first:


  1. ok...sales pitch making it irresistable...if only i could get that in on a 16kbs connection @@@!!

  2. Well...maybe my connection speed just changed things cause I thought it was pretty interesting. What I've heard so far was spiritually basic but true..how can we see our brothers sins as unforgivable, and then expect to see ours as forgivable?
    And "Set your mind on things above" and "this world is not my home"..are all elements of basic Christian truth.

    His distraction "being into the music" he's listening to is hilarious. I've run into the problem before trying to talk to people who were supposedly trying to talk with me also..yet the conversation waited as they watched a tv show or listened to their tunes. This guy just does it in geriatric form.

    Now with dsl maybe I can get a different perspective...ROFL..he's unusual, even if his message isn't.

    Would be cool to have an icon on the desktop opening to some old codger like that, enjoying the moment but happily pumping you up with encouragement to stay on task.

  3. Yeah, actually the "Course of Miracles" which this is based is a very good set of practical spiritual insights and applications and has helped lots of people assume more responsibility for the quality of their lives. But this guy's face is way too animated ;-)


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