Free Hugs - One of my Faves

And it came to Boulder!


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    YUCK, that's how you get koodies!

  2. Yer a republican ain't ya?! LOL

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    All joking aside, there is just something not right about just hugging strangers. I don't even like to touch people I am not close too. It's not that I am averse to people, just the opposite, I am very intimate and so just tossing out hugs willy nilly is creepy... And yes, I have been known to vote for a Republican or two though I would not classify myself by those votes..

  4. Ya, just joking about the politics. I found it admirable to be able to come from such an open and inclusive place of the heart. Unlike a certain Aunt (whom I'm very fond of, btw) he wasn't chasing people down to hug them. Just offering it to whoever might need it, or was spontaneously motivated to share a basic human connection of us all being in this ride together. I woulda hugged him, koodies bedammed! :-)

  5. ROFL...yeah, being intensely involved into the inner lives of people in my past, I've seen how such a seemingly simple thing as a hug by another human being...can make a major difference in one's quality of existence.

    Now some people are like my cousin V. just wouldn't be much interested in the "hugging" side of humans nature...yet there are those who crave it, and yearn for the acceptance/love it yields. Tao, you were just in England too long..LOL.

  6. Is Tao's French heritage showing?


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