Fish Oil - Plus

OK, one LAST tidbit about fish oil ('cause I have bots researching the topic, and they put stuff under my bed if I don't listen to 'em)

The difference between cod liver oil and fish oil: cod liver oil contains the same omega 3's but also contains vitamin D. Vitamin D has shown some remarkable properties, not only in substantially reducing the risk of many types of cancer, but in osteoporosis, inflammation, etc.

So, fish oil in the summer (when your getting sunlight which helps vitamin D production) and cod liver oil in the winter.

This stuff came up while I was reading a review of Michael Moore's documentary called SiCKO, which reveals some ugly findings about the U.S. healthcare system. (Who knew you could actually run health care and related research in models other than profit centers?! What a concept; most "un-american")


  1. Okay, I'm back on the fish oil and will have to remember to change over to the other in the winter. I have a friend in Texas (M) who recently had an MRI taken and the doctor told her that her brain was shrinking. I am still trying to digest this info and wondering if she needs to change doctors. At any rate, the doctor recommended that she take fish oil.


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