What's Your Earliest Memory?

Ger-beans was telling me one of Ms. Bean's, I'll leave that for him to post, it was pretty funny.

The first clear memory I have must have been around 2 or 3 years old. Crawling out from behind a couch that I knew I wasn't supposed to be behind and seeing this giant figure of Mom waiting at the other side. Pure terror, but then she must have seen my eyes, cause she cracked this really big and radiant smile and hugged me. Close call, but the smile left a lasting impression.

Second is about 3 memories, and I don't know which order they came, was about 4 or 5. Used to go riding on these horses on the weekends. One I liked, called "Red" and the other I didn't; I called him "trashcan." Well, for some reason it was decided I'd ride trashcan that day. The second the corral opened he bolted with me on his back. Reins were not going to cut it, I threw them aside and reached down to grab two clawfulls of horsey mien and hold on for dear life. He was running through trees and brush and intentionally trying to find branches that would scrape me off his hide. Dad took a while to catch me on Red, but finally grabbed me off the side as trashcan rode off into the sunset kicking his legs. I hear he came back later for grub. Another was of an old mexican man showing me how to identify a tasty type of mint plant that grew in the area. After that I was chewing on them most of the time. And finally, for some reason, I was thoroughly peeved with my entire family and locked myself in the bathroom, never to come out again. There was a lot of pleading and growling but no way was I giving up my new and private kingdom. Except I think I got hungry later when I smelled food and relinquished my post. Sneaky parents.

I also remember getting a little toolkit for a present. It had a real saw, which enabled me to fix the porch. One the first of many home repairs which always seemed to cause controversy.

(I do have one really early memory, but not sure exactly where to place it, or whether it was real. I'd had a seizure or something and remember a very serious car ride moving very fast through twisty (mountain?) roads.)

One of bright eye's earliest memories is putting a firecracker in her mouth. I could see how that would leave an impression, and probably explains mew getting his tongue stuck on the freezer section of the supermarket when he was little. Genetics have a way of manifesting.


  1. I remember the "convulsion" all too well. You went to sleep for a nap and awoke with an extremely high fever. The fever caused the convulsion. We rushed you to Wallace, Idaho. It was only 35 miles but over a mountainous very narrow dirt road with hairpin curves. By the time we got you to the hospital, the fever had broken and you were over the convulsion.


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