Dream Stories

Woke this morning in the wake of an odd dream and scribbled down the remnants of what appeared to be the beginning of a story...

"That the fabric of the universe was information, was still debated. That David had just experienced the ride of his life, dissembled like some kind of human koolaid and reconstituted from packets across the wires. was undeniable. It had been a clean circuit. But after the tests, he knew the packets would soon be traveling the multipurpose nets; slices of people sandwiched between video, voice and gaming shards amidst virtual goods and currency exchanges. "

In the dream I was getting ready to be transported by some guy who didn't seem to sure of what he was doing across a wire with 3 leads that he was stripping the insulation from.

More food for thought. And I'm still stuck pondering another idea I tripped across yesterday (or the day before) playing with a little "idea generator" program I'm writing.

It suggested a scenario involving a zombie in a bordello who had ADD. But that wasn't the curious thing...the odd thing was, he discovered a ring there which had the power to control time. But his ADD caused it to malfunction (evidently it required a little focus to work) and he ended up being stuck 1 day in the past.

Now that might not seem too odd, initially. But if you think about it, if everybody is living in the day ahead, that could mean that nothing you do would register for them because you aren't interacting in "their" present. I've been contemplating some strange effects of that, both in practical terms and in analogies to other stuff.
