Musical Escapades and Future Schemes

Ah. Just got back from another musical adventure. This time it was a couple of Nepalese performers playing Tibetan Singing Bowls in a planetarium. First off, if you've never been to a planetarium, put that on your todo list, ok?!

We walked into the domed auditorium, it was dark, but the dome was lit with a red glow and already you felt like you had stepped outside of space and time. The seats were like movie seats, but tilted further back. After a brief introduction the action started, the dome darkened and you were staring up at a very realistic projection of the starry sky as the Himalayan instruments started weaving sonic landscapes, washing your body and mind with subtle vibrations. The sky changed slowly, outlines of mythological forms traced their outline in the stars, shooting stars, fountains of light streams followed and a hologram of the earth floated by as if you were a spectator somewhere out in space. Quite a surreal experience.

The last time memories I had of the planetarium experience was years ago, when I went with friends to watch a laser light show set to the music of Pink Floyd.

Future Schemes

I was taking with Bright-eyes afterwards. If I had about a month or so to prepare, I know I could create a performance with a palette like that which would knock peoples' socks off. While the sky projection complemented the singing bowls well, they weren't synchronized, like they were with the pink floyd performance. And tibetan bowls resonate in some of the same frequencies as altered brain states (in the 2hz to 12hz ranges) but they don't "ramp", which you can do with other instruments and technologies to really pull the brain along for a ride.

Using some of the stuff I've been working with through the years, I'm toying with the idea of creating a performance, with proceeds going to some worthy cause. It would be fun driving the light show with sinuous visual orchestrations in sync with some very powerful layers of brain entrainment textures, swirling in 3D sound interspersed with hypnotic stories, taking people on a powerful trance journey for discovery or recreation. I'll call it "TranceFormations." And you'll all get a free ticket, which you can use at your own risk :-)


  1. I am looking forward to my ticket!!

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Include some kind of shocker or caffeine...cause if i stop, sit, lean back...."i'm outta there baby"...LOL


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