Read the Labels
Eduardo Arias did.
He wondered why diethylene glycol was listed on the ingredients of a tube of discount toothpaste. A minor detail, overlooked by health authorities in dozens of countries, including the U.S.A.
Diethylene glycol is a toxic ingredient commonly used in anti-freeze; it's a cheap substitute for glycerin, a more expensive thickener common in household products. Good thing it was listed on the label, I suppose.
Just makes me wonder... all those efforts that Homeland Stupidity expends confiscating bottles of Evian spring water and sewing kits, and the FDA becoming(?) more the voice of the political and economic interests ("we'll let this on the market but you must list the possible side-effects: liver disease, brain aneurysm and, uh, death.") --- what happens in a country where the economic interests trump the human and environmental ones? (Much less common sense?) I can think of some shining examples. But is anyone other that us Eduardos of the world taking note? Maybe so.
Eduardo's story is here. And an interesting one it is.
More on Democracy, Free Markets and Shock Doctrine. Another smart Naomi.
He wondered why diethylene glycol was listed on the ingredients of a tube of discount toothpaste. A minor detail, overlooked by health authorities in dozens of countries, including the U.S.A.
Diethylene glycol is a toxic ingredient commonly used in anti-freeze; it's a cheap substitute for glycerin, a more expensive thickener common in household products. Good thing it was listed on the label, I suppose.
Just makes me wonder... all those efforts that Homeland Stupidity expends confiscating bottles of Evian spring water and sewing kits, and the FDA becoming(?) more the voice of the political and economic interests ("we'll let this on the market but you must list the possible side-effects: liver disease, brain aneurysm and, uh, death.") --- what happens in a country where the economic interests trump the human and environmental ones? (Much less common sense?) I can think of some shining examples. But is anyone other that us Eduardos of the world taking note? Maybe so.
Eduardo's story is here. And an interesting one it is.
More on Democracy, Free Markets and Shock Doctrine. Another smart Naomi.
Its amazing that just one person can "make" a difference. That should be an encouragement to all!