To Get Rid of Dust Mites
Just another one of those findings that seem to keep coming up about what some of us do naturally. :-)
We had a German neighbor once. She used to mow her lawn with one of those cool little mowers that power their blades totally from the motion of the wheels. She mowed about 3 times a week. And it used to drive her batty that whenever I mowed the lawn, I would always leave a patch of it wild. At first she thought maybe there were rocks or something there, but what really set her off was when she noticed the location of the wild patch would change with each mowing. I finally had to explain it to her: "You're German, I'm Irish; you see, the Irish believe that you should always leave areas for the wild things in your life."
I don't know if she bought it or not, but she didn't bug me about it after that. Of course, the Irish are also known for telling big stories for no apparent reason.
I tell you some people will go to great lengths to get out of making a bed, lol. However, in spite of the threat of the "bugs" I will continue to make my bed. Then when I meet my Granny in heaven, I can look at her and say, "You taught me well, I was not a slovenly person in spite of the bugs".