Press Blackouts

What happens when mainstream media starts taking an even more active role in shaping public opinion; moving beyond spin and actually changing or omitting critical information?

It's really fascinating how Fox, ABC, NBC, CNN, NYTimes and others have been blacking out Ron Paul's campaign. Even going so far as ABC and CNN actually misreporting results in the Nevada primaries.

And what have you heard in the "conventional" media about the S 1959 Thought Crime bill making its way through senate? This one targets "american terrorists." With the removal of habeas corpus (didn't hear about that one? That's odd eh? It just means the government can put you in jail without a charge and without evidence. Indefinitely) and this bill proposing the use of paramilitary agencies like blackwater against US citizens with dissident views (not necessarily actions.)

The so called "patriot act" has set aside 7 of the first ten amendments. I think some of our public servants have been just playing lip service to their oath. And there may be a time coming, if we continue with our present "leadership", when true patriots will be re-branded terrorists, just like the founders of our country, and their vision for which our country stands. Note the following oath says defend the Constitution. Not the government.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


  1. The time when true patriots to the constitution are very much going to be assessed as terrorist, peacefully at first with an increasing number silently shuffled off to prison.

    Once that "felony" label gets stuck on the people, they will not even be allowed a vote/say-so in government. Another exception to the concept of a true democracy.

    Glad this world aint my home, just a passing thru, but looks like we could sure make life alot easier on ourselves...but history plainly teaches if people are given freedom they'll use it to take freedoms away.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Yeah, it's really depressing to be laughed off as a conspiracy theorist when they are passing laws like this. I'm half convinced we deserve what's coming.

    - Adm


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