Cheesy Resume

I've seen a fair amount of resumes, but the one from last night's dream made a lasting impression.

A friend (dream friend, never met her in "waking" life) was updating her resume. I was amazed to discover it was made out of cheese. Little slabs of cheese, a little smaller than an index card, each slab was about 1/3" thick. They were threaded together with twine in an accordion type fold and on the top of each slab was a concise description of one of her previous jobs.

Given the ingenuity of how she got the print on the cheese, and depending on how fresh the resume was, I think she'd probably get an interview for sure. People would just be too curious to see what kind of person would have created this ---and had the nerve to apply for a job with it. Might work better for some types of jobs than others, though.


  1. Well, now I don't feel so bad with my kooky dreams. It seems like it must run in the family. I won't go into a lengthy explanation of mine last night but will say that the person we shoved over the cliff did not make it.


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