Showing posts from May, 2009
How to Cut Corners on your Advertising Budget

You don't need fancy graphics, cgi or animation. You don't even need a clever idea or gimmick. Yeah, all that might buy you an extra 20% sales, but it's going to cost you 80% more than using this simple, open-source template from anamnesis: 1. Get a couple of actors. 2. Make them look like what you think your target market looks like ---or what your target market would like to look at/like. 3. Film a conversation using one of our PROVEN templates. The Social Proof Template - Pattern 1 Actor A: Is that the new MacGeeWhizWhooper? Actor B: mmmm. nom. nom. nom. carn't tawk, so goood. Actor A: I can't believe you'd be speechless like that for a mere 99 cents? Actor B: wharrrff canna I saryyyy? Optional Appeal to Authority Add-on Narrator. Deep authoritative voice ('Are YOU in good hands?" dude, for example) Recites: Yeah. It's that good. What are YOU waiting for? Extended version for 45 sec time slots Following "What are YOU waiting for?" ......