How to Cut Corners on your Advertising Budget

You don't even need a clever idea or gimmick.
Yeah, all that might buy you an extra 20% sales, but it's going to cost you 80% more than using this simple, open-source template from anamnesis:
1. Get a couple of actors.
2. Make them look like what you think your target market looks like ---or what your target market would like to look at/like.
3. Film a conversation using one of our PROVEN templates.
The Social Proof Template - Pattern 1
Actor A: Is that the new MacGeeWhizWhooper?
Actor B: mmmm. nom. nom. nom. carn't tawk, so goood.
Actor A: I can't believe you'd be speechless like that for a mere 99 cents?
Actor B: wharrrff canna I saryyyy?
Optional Appeal to Authority Add-on
Narrator. Deep authoritative voice ('Are YOU in good hands?" dude, for example)
Yeah. It's that good.
What are YOU waiting for?
Extended version for 45 sec time slots
Following "What are YOU waiting for?" ...
Santa Claus?
Well he's one of our best customers
it's what makes him so happy
and benevolent
don't believe ads?
Ask our customers.
Maybe they don't believe you
could resist such a treat
Who are we to argue with that?
The MacGee WhizWhop
For a limited time
wherever fine synthetics are served
Next Installment
Stay tuned for the coveted and heretofore unaffordable McGuffin Pattern next. A template so potent that many ad agencies are threatening us with lawsuits if we reveal it here.
Quality, sales or minimizing costs, pick any two.
I think that you have been staying up too late watching too many infomercials,I think I can help. I have a system for you that is guaranteed to make you ignore all infomercials. It can be yours for only $19'95, but if you buy now, I will send you the
ReplyDelete"No-buy car deal" free of charge, yes that is 2 for the price of one, what are you waiting for.
I'm on it!