Night Tides
I hear seagulls!
After a 16 hour drive from Butte, Montana, we checked into the Red Lion in Port Angeles at 3:00am local time. The hotel is right on the bay, next to a place called the Crab House (which I hope is referring to seafood.) Tomorrow is Mew and Merry's big day, luckily (for us) in the afternoon. They were coming into town in the morning at 8:30 to workout(?!) but I told 'em we probably wouldn't be up yet. Sonic and Kaisha flew into Portland a couple of days ago, so the whole CO clan and expatriates should be hooking up in the PM (today!) Sonic is headed out to Canada afterwords and bright eyes and I are going to break in our tent along the coastline on the way back. But for the next couple of days, after the ceremonies, we're hanging out with the in-laws and wee ones.
I wandered out to explore the strange sounds before bed and stumbled onto the bay. Pretty awesome in the moonlight, waves lapping on the shoreline and the lighthouse from Victoria(?) flashing from afar. Looking forward to seeing what things look like in the daytime. But for now, I'm going to bed. G'nite.
After a 16 hour drive from Butte, Montana, we checked into the Red Lion in Port Angeles at 3:00am local time. The hotel is right on the bay, next to a place called the Crab House (which I hope is referring to seafood.) Tomorrow is Mew and Merry's big day, luckily (for us) in the afternoon. They were coming into town in the morning at 8:30 to workout(?!) but I told 'em we probably wouldn't be up yet. Sonic and Kaisha flew into Portland a couple of days ago, so the whole CO clan and expatriates should be hooking up in the PM (today!) Sonic is headed out to Canada afterwords and bright eyes and I are going to break in our tent along the coastline on the way back. But for the next couple of days, after the ceremonies, we're hanging out with the in-laws and wee ones.
I wandered out to explore the strange sounds before bed and stumbled onto the bay. Pretty awesome in the moonlight, waves lapping on the shoreline and the lighthouse from Victoria(?) flashing from afar. Looking forward to seeing what things look like in the daytime. But for now, I'm going to bed. G'nite.
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