I keep a dream journal on my headboard. Last night, I discovered my dreams keep dream journals too. Several, in fact. I caught them writing down stuff that happened during MY day, when I was conscious. I guess my "waking life" is their dream life. Snippets of conversations and things that were said. They were trying to piece it together and figure out what's happening outside of their dream world, or what it means in their own terms. Kind of like dream interpretation, but reversed. I don't blame you if this sounds confusing, I'm confused too.
I wonder if me writing that down in my dream journal would be part of what they are writing in their dream journal which I am writing about and whether I might someday find myself in a strange recursive loop with a white coat and lots of shiny buckles trying to squeeze a word in edgewise to prove I'm still sane?
huh, lol
ReplyDeleteWow...well, that is how dreams are when they are really cool. Othertimes they can be mundane or even icky.
ReplyDeleteOne of my most favorite quotes of Edgar Poe.."Is all that i see or seem, but a dream within a dream".