A New Fort

I've been planning to explore another country. I've taken some reconnaissance trips and enjoyed what I've seen. I think I'll be commuting soon. I'm not talking about Ecuador. Although sometimes the outer reflects the inner. And vice-versa. Nope. I'm talking about a place inside. Or at least, it feels like I'm going inside to get there. I suspect it might connect to outside in some strange ways but dividing experience into inside and outside is problematic anyway. Once in this place, awareness of the body starts to fade. I may forget what position my arm or leg is in. I feel a sort of "condensation" or focus of my awareness from a little outside my head, behind me. And I repeat a mantra I learned long ago: "mind awake, body asleep" and the body starts to fall more and more away. My vision is only of blackness at first. I start thinking of scenes in a loose way, things I like to see. Nature, space, forms, colors. Not in any specific ...