
Showing posts from June, 2007

Last Ride of the Day

Photography and Translation: Bright Eyes Factual Narrative: K

Death Bed Confessions

This one's a doozy .

Small Town Law

Here's a hilarious skirmish unfolding between a big honcho lawyer and a resourceful, internet savvy entrepreneur. June 26, 2007: Just an update on this, it came to a rather unexpected end.

What's Your Earliest Memory?

Ger-beans was telling me one of Ms. Bean's, I'll leave that for him to post, it was pretty funny. The first clear memory I have must have been around 2 or 3 years old. Crawling out from behind a couch that I knew I wasn't supposed to be behind and seeing this giant figure of Mom waiting at the other side. Pure terror, but then she must have seen my eyes, cause she cracked this really big and radiant smile and hugged me. Close call, but the smile left a lasting impression. Second is about 3 memories, and I don't know which order they came, was about 4 or 5. Used to go riding on these horses on the weekends. One I liked, called "Red" and the other I didn't; I called him "trashcan." Well, for some reason it was decided I'd ride trashcan that day. The second the corral opened he bolted with me on his back. Reins were not going to cut it, I threw them aside and reached down to grab two clawfulls of horsey mien and hold on for dear life. He was run...

Deliver'n Ma Pirate Boat

See, sometimes those ads in the back of comic books actually pay off! Now I can pwnz me some of that pontoon booty. Yarr! Hey, leggo of my boat! I got to hide it in the garage before bright eyes gets back!

Fish Oil - Plus

OK, one LAST tidbit about fish oil ('cause I have bots researching the topic, and they put stuff under my bed if I don't listen to 'em) The difference between cod liver oil and fish oil: cod liver oil contains the same omega 3's but also contains vitamin D. Vitamin D has shown some remarkable properties, not only in substantially reducing the risk of many types of cancer , but in osteoporosis , inflammation, etc. So, fish oil in the summer (when your getting sunlight which helps vitamin D production) and c od liver oil in the winter. This stuff came up while I was reading a review of Michael Moore's documentary called SiCKO , which reveals some ugly findings about the U.S. healthcare system. (Who knew you could actually run health care and related research in models other than profit centers?! What a concept; most "un-american")

Gaming Amazon: An Army of One

I saw this once before. A book with 5 star reviews, reviews obviously written by the author himself ---I wrote it off as a one time incident--- probably something Amazon would catch and clean-up later. Then I stumbled across another. The first example was at least a little sneaky. He changed up the prose a little and tried to modify his style of writing. All his reviewers though, had only ever reviewed that one book. This next guy just takes it totally over the top . What makes it hilarious is that his grammar is terrible and he has a very distinctive style of writing. Both qualities amply evident in his "reviewers." What's even more entertaining (although a bit sad) is that this same style and grammatical oddities show up in negative reviews of his competitors. At least one of which has caught onto the fact and discusses it in the forum section of his book listing . And it gets weirder. Evidently this guy has the energy of a crack monkey; he's setup his own personal ...

More Meme Cats


3 Year Old Finger Painter

Whoa, this kid is good.

10 simple ways to save yourself from messing up your life

One of the best maps I've seen for living optimally. Succinct, and many of these should be common sense. I would add one: 11. Invest a little time each week in review to keep perspective. Look back and see where your principles were applied, or not, and the consequences. Until principles like these, and others hard learned, become compasses, it's easy to become disoriented among the trees, instead of enjoying the forest. Some of the most vibrant people I know and admire, seem to have this layer of context in every action, enabling them to live with more spontaneity and less random noise. And a cool, complementary article at no extra charge: 7 Lies that Prevent Powerful Results .

Puzzle me this

In the following line of letters, cross out six letters so that the remaining letters, without altering their sequence, will spell a familiar English word: BSAINXLEATNTEARS

Spinning Procrastination

Sometimes the best way to deal with obstacles is to embrace them. In many of the more effective martial arts, the principle of meeting force with force must be unlearned and replaced with a superior strategy. And the Tao of Procrastination is realizing it is actually an incredible force for motivation. Not, however, the way the white-belt procrastinator typically thinks. They assume the motivation comes from the stress of putting it off for so long that it becomes unbearable, waiting for the balance to tip, and the suffering of having not completing it outweighing the pain of getting it done. So there is resistance. Up to the point they capitulate. But with the correct pivot, they can use this power for their own ends. If we observe this opponent carefully, we might notice that procrastinators are actually incredibly motivated . Usually to do anything other than what they have to. With all that pending paperwork for taxes to fill out, suddenly cleaning the fishbowl becomes of paramount...

A Most Unusual Ventriloquist

Of Frogs and Stories

Marbella's excellent story , reminded me of this one (which follows) and got me thinking. It's fortunate to have grown up with elders who were storytellers. Some of them bigger storytellers than others. It seems to have rubbed off on most of their progeny, including certain cousins *cough*Rodney*cough* There once was a bunch of tiny frogs... ... who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants... The race began... Honestly, no-one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!!" "They will NEVER make it to the top". "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!" The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one... ... Except for those who in a fresh tempo were climbing higher and higher... The crowd continued...