Obstacle Minded

Have you ever noticed that our brain comes up with "answers" for whatever we put to it? It's curious that many otherwise intelligent and creative people abuse this natural tendency of their minds to hobble themselves. If we ask ourselves why we are so screwed up, our brains will shift into gear coming up with all sorts of reasons that it thinks we are asking for. If we ask, instead, how best to deal with situation "x", or how easily we can resolve "y", it will go to work on that thread instead. To be careful what we ask for, may strike a chord much closer to home than we typically realize. And there seems to be an art to asking questions skillfully, to both ourselves and others, in a way that brings out resources and capabilities rather than judgments and indictments; the way we frame our questions in life seems fundamentally linked to the type of answers we are receiving; and yet, how quickly the question fades from our awareness, leaving us only wit...