
Showing posts from July, 2007

The Tao of Macro

Having never got the hang of macro mode with bright-eyes' camera, Tao's post was inspirational. And having no sea shores nearby, I had to use something at hand that we had plenty of. Rocks. Here's a yellow citrine. I have no ideas what the settings were, I just know I punched a lot of button thingies. Kinda weird looking.

Life and Music

Appling Southpark guys animating some talks by Alan Watts

You Live in a Different World

Someone said that to me today, in a good way. I've been told pretty much the same in not such good ways. Either way it's kind of amusing. A few days earlier, I was talking to an old chinese couple that we've known for some time. They're a funny pair. Rich, but they live frugal, asking my opinion on digital TVs. They had a 13" they use to watch the news and were thinking they would have to upgrade if they go to cable. In the course of a casual conversation I was reminded once again of how many different wavelengths people live in. I told them I don't watch much TV, generally just movies, and I don't watch the news because it's the same stuff over and over. Which they heartily concurred, agreeing that probably watching it just in the morning is sufficient. Bright-eyes just smiled at me askew, she knew I was talking about *ever*. It comes up in lots of contexts, one of the more interesting places I've noted, either because the circle of people in my im...

101 Simple Meals in 10 Minutes or Less

Some very interesting recipes here ! Ones on my list to try: 20, 24, 28, 31, 52, 81 (and what the heck are "Migas"?) And on the topic of lists, here's a list of 2000 unofficial uses for WD-40 around the house. Cleans Silver?! Or, my favorite: spray on Twister game for more fun.

Book Sighting

Was browsing amazon and saw this book title. It made me snort coffee through my nose. It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be: The World's Best Selling Book.


There's no right answer to this, but I'd be curious to hear yours and your reasoning. I plan to make a cartoon strip of this one for a certain web site and do a real-time poll (isn't the internet a great place to do experiments on people?!) It's called Newcomb's Problem. So, there is this great scientist and she has a 100% track record in predicting people's responses. She claims to have discovered a patented formula for doing so, and it's been validated by the NSA, AMA and the International Board of Ostrich Herders. She puts down two black boxes down in front of you labeled A and B. She tells you that A has $1000 dollars in it. Now you can choose either box B or both boxes. "And, by the way", she says, "I have predicted of course, whether you will choose box B or both boxes. If I predicted you will choose just box B, I have put one million dollars in box B. If I predicted you will choose both, I've put nothing in box B." And now she ...

Dream Stories

Woke this morning in the wake of an odd dream and scribbled down the remnants of what appeared to be the beginning of a story... "That the fabric of the universe was information, was still debated. That David had just experienced the ride of his life, dissembled like some kind of human koolaid and reconstituted from packets across the wires. was undeniable. It had been a clean circuit. But after the tests, he knew the packets would soon be traveling the multipurpose nets; slices of people sandwiched between video, voice and gaming shards amidst virtual goods and currency exchanges. " In the dream I was getting ready to be transported by some guy who didn't seem to sure of what he was doing across a wire with 3 leads that he was stripping the insulation from. More food for thought. And I'm still stuck pondering another idea I tripped across yesterday (or the day before) playing with a little "idea generator" program I'm writing. It suggested a scenario in...

Big Fish Story

This is a really cool story about, you guessed it, Fish Oil !