
Showing posts from August, 2009

Creative Procrastination?

Tomorrow afternoon I'll be checking into a 10 day meditation retreat. I'm excited at the opportunity to just let go of everything and explore the moment as deeply as I'm capable. I'm also a bit anxious. No reading, writing, social interaction, no tech toys, media. Just sitting and observing what goes on within without all the props. Not in order to change anything, or figure anything out, just to notice without interference, judging, reaching for or pushing away. Seems so easy... and so hard.

For You History Buffs...

Khalkhin-Gol: The forgotten battle that shaped WW2 In August 1939, just weeks before Hitler invaded Poland, the Soviet Union and Japan fought a massive tank battle on the Mongolian border – the largest the world had ever seen. More

Some Radical Improvements in the last year

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Glenn Beck's Operation Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Spinal Tap Performance


Click the play button, then if you click the button on the lower right it will zoom up to full screen.

Back to Work?

I don't think so. Catching up with all the stuff that piled up while we were out, I tripped over an unsolicited contact for employment in a "Highly Classified US National Cyber Security Project." " These roles would be located on the east coast. Relocation package offered. The compensation is extremely high with outstanding benefits " I don't know which of my colleagues thought I needed to be gainfully employed, they seem to know a lot of my background, but c'mon, East Coast?! Which likely means the D.C. area, Blech. Several of the openings did look intriguing... "ranging from offensive and defensive security technologies for computer networks" and "develop and analyze intrusion software to characterize and/or neutralize threats" but I'm involved in far more frivolous pursuits at the moment, ok thank you bye.

We're Back!

Made it back. Here's bright-eye's first experiment with her camera in "video" mode. It's a little clunky but may provide a taste of a small piece of the road driving through the redwoods. Man, I am tired. Talk with ya tomorrow :-)

The Adventure Continues...

Finally made it out of Oregon on Saturday. Down the coastline on highway 101. We puttered around little coastal towns sampling seafood. Packed some smoked halibut, salmon and cod for lunch stops. Late Saturday afternoon we cruised into a little campground nestled in the redwoods to pitch our tent. I unrolled the air mattress, looking forward to a nice cushy sleep. Was having some problems opening the batteries for the little electric pump, so whipped out my razor sharp Spyderco and sliced through the plastic wrapping like butter. As well as the top layer and bottom layer of the cushy new mattress which the battery pack was resting on. Crap. No way was I going back to those little plank pads, so I punched in walmart to my android phone and it gave us directions to a store in the nearest town where we were able to pick up a replacement. Whew. The night was awesome after that. Next morning we took down camp and headed out further along 101 and down the scenic valley where all the really b...

Jumbled Notes

My days are getting all jumbled. Better record something so I have some semblance of order. Or not. Since we last met... hooked up with Mew and clan, Sonic and K, and in-laws, friends, etc. in Port Angeles. Mew and Merry had a small wedding out in the beautiful forest they have in that part of the country. It was a simple but elegant ceremony. Was great catching up with the NW crew. We didn't want to get in their way too long though, so headed out Thursday. Before that we got a tour of some of the neighboring towns. One, Port Townsend, Mew termed "mini Boulder." Interesting little villa. We went out to a huge bunker that once housed some incredible artillery. Two giant cannons that could shoot 8 miles, weighed 300 tons each and took 50+ men to man. Unfortunately the guns had been removed, but we got to play around in the bunkers. All sorts of dark and twisty passages. They said they fired one of the cannons once before they removed them, it broke windows all over town and...

Night Tides

I hear seagulls! After a 16 hour drive from Butte, Montana, we checked into the Red Lion in Port Angeles at 3:00am local time. The hotel is right on the bay, next to a place called the Crab House (which I hope is referring to seafood.) Tomorrow is Mew and Merry's big day, luckily (for us) in the afternoon. They were coming into town in the morning at 8:30 to workout(?!) but I told 'em we probably wouldn't be up yet. Sonic and Kaisha flew into Portland a couple of days ago, so the whole CO clan and expatriates should be hooking up in the PM (today!) Sonic is headed out to Canada afterwords and bright eyes and I are going to break in our tent along the coastline on the way back. But for the next couple of days, after the ceremonies, we're hanging out with the in-laws and wee ones. I wandered out to explore the strange sounds before bed and stumbled onto the bay. Pretty awesome in the moonlight, waves lapping on the shoreline and the lighthouse from Victoria(?) flashing fr...


"I'm State Patrol Officer Perkins" "Huh?" "I'm Officer Perkins" "Oh. Hi" "The majority of that pass you just did was across a no passing lane. I'm in route to somewhere else so I'm just going to give you a verbal warning, but look ahead next time." "Ok, thanks. I don't know these roads and it looked pretty straight, those lines caught me by surprise too." "Well, be careful next time." Nothing about the 90mph I hit when passing, I love Montana police. We're on day two of our northwest cruise. Made it to Wyoming on day 1. Day 2 we spent all day touring the Grand Tetons (well, there is actually only one Grand Teton, the rest have imaginative names like "Middle Teton" and "South Teton" so not hard to excel in such company. We backtracked a little on the Teton adventure to visit Jackson Hole. One word of warning. If you ever order the MooLatte from DQ, don't take a really b...