MindChangingHypnosis.Com is the website of Kyle Varner a Clinical Hypnotherapist certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners whose own powerful life experiences with hypnosis lead him into the practice. On his site, he has eleven free hypnosis downloads. I've listed six of them here along with direct links to the MP3 downloads. Although clicking on the links will allow the MP3s to play immediately, for proper use, its best to right click on the MP3 and "save link" to save it for later use. Finding Your Inner Athlete : This is a self-hypnosis recording based on the script “Finding Your Inner Athlete”. This self-hypnosis recording can help you to develop the motivation and mindset necessary to achieve your fitness goals. Please do not listen to this hypnosis recording while driving, or in any situation where you may need to maintain alertness. Download the MP3 here. Reflection Pool of Potential (Weight Loss): This is a ...